Snapchat Planets!

Snapchat Plus users can find the Friend Solar System feature which creates rankings of their closest contacts based on their messaging frequency. You take the central role in the solar system representation which displays your friendships between planets according to your commitment levels.

Snapchat Planet Order:
Mercury – Closest friend.
Venus – Second closest friend.
Earth – Third closest friend.
Mars – Fourth closest friend.
Jupiter – Fifth closest friend.
Saturn – Sixth closest friend.
Uranus – Seventh closest friend.
Neptune – Eighth closest friend
Snapchat Planet is a feature in Snapchat Plus that categorizes friends into a solar system-like hierarchy based on interaction levels. Each friend is assigned a planet representing their closeness to you, with Mercury being the closest and Neptune the farthest. The order follows the actual solar system—Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. Your #1 best friend appears as Mercury, while distant friends fall further along. This fun feature helps visualize friendships based on chats and snaps.
Snapchat Planets, or the Friend Solar System, is a Snapchat Plus feature that ranks your eight closest friends based on interaction frequency. Each friend is assigned a planet, with Mercury representing the closest friend and Neptune the furthest. This system helps users visualize and prioritize their Snapchat connections in a fun, engaging way.
  1. Mercury 🟠 – Your #1 best friend (closest to you)
  2. Venus 🟡 – Your second closest friend
  3. Earth 🌍 – Third place in your friend rankings
  4. Mars 🔴 – Fourth closest
  5. Jupiter 🟤 – Fifth
  6. Saturn 🟠 – Sixth (has rings!)
  7. Uranus 🔵 – Seventh
  8. Neptune 🔵 – Eighth (still in your top 8 but not the closest)
These are Snapchat planets and their meaning
Snapchat Planets is a Snapchat+ feature that ranks your top 8 best friends in a solar system format based on interaction frequency. You are the Sun, and your closest friends are assigned planets, from Mercury (1st) to Neptune (8th). The order follows the real solar system, with Mercury being your closest friend. This feature is exclusive to Snapchat+ subscribers and can be viewed in a friend's profile. It’s a fun way to visualize friendships without notifying others of their ranking! 🚀