What Does KMS Mean On Snapchat?

A type of slang that is mostly used by youngsters throughout their chat conversations. KMS means "Kill myself". The meaning of this term shows that a person is irritated & frustrated with someone else. As we all know today's generation is dependent on smartphones and devices. However, in the long run, it should impact your daily lifestyle.

That's why most young teens don't tolerate too much anxiety and they use the wrong slang or words in their daily routine to excrete their negative emotions. Parents are always advised to take care of their children from the anonymous words they are using and monitor their whole day's activities before anything suspicious or unacceptable.
KMS "stands for" killing itself ". Most teenagers and others use it as a way to increase an inconvenience or something bad that happened to them in a joke, almost sarcastic way. Some people who have a deep sense of humor (which usually with most people on the Internet) funnyly.
On Snapchat, KMS typically stands for "Kill Myself", often used to express frustration, annoyance, or exaggeration in a non-literal way. However, it’s important to be mindful of mental health implications when using such terms. If someone uses it seriously, offering support and checking in is crucial.

These kind of slang is really famous among Gen-Z.
KMS is an internet shortcut for killing myself. It is generally used as a melodramatic expression of frustration or disgust or a more serious expression of discomfort or sadness. KMS is sometimes short for kilometers.
KMS on Snapchat usually means Kill Myself but people sometimes use it jokingly when frustrated. If someone says it seriously, they might need support. Always check if they are okay.