How to Change Facebook Profile Picture without Notifying Everyone?

Do the same process to change your Facebook profile picture, but before the final step to save, make sure to untick the "Share to News Feeds" option. Which could change your profile picture without letting know by someone.
To change your Facebook profile picture without notifying others, follow these steps:
  1. Go to your profile and hover over your current profile picture.
  2. Click on the camera icon and select "Upload Photo."
  3. Choose the photo you want to use and click "Open."
  4. Adjust the cropping and positioning of your photo as desired.
  5. Uncheck the box that says "Share your update to News Feed."
  6. Click "Save" to update your profile picture.
To update your Facebook profile picture silently:
  1. Open your profile and click on your current picture.
  2. Select “Update Profile Picture” and upload a new one.
  3. Before saving, set the audience to “Only Me” to keep it private.
  4. Save the changes. You can adjust privacy settings later if needed.
To change your Facebook profile picture without notifying everyone, follow these steps:
  1. Go to your profile and click your profile picture.
  2. Select Update Profile Picture and upload a new image.
  3. Before clicking Save, change the privacy to Only Me.
  4. After saving, edit the post and delete it from your timeline.

This way, your profile picture updates silently without notifying your friends.